Hospital LED Lighting Upgrade
Project Management

Inovo was engaged to plan, manage and deliver this major project to replace all fluorescent light fittings across the Te Whatu Ora Waitemata campuses with modern LED fittings. The goal was to reduce future fire risk, minimise the frequency of maintenance service requests, and lower operational costs for hospital lighting.
In 2022 Te Whatu Ora identified that the existing Waitemata DHB hospital lighting was aging, with increasing risks and ongoing maintenance costs. When a light fitting caught fire on the floor above a theatre at North Shore Hospital, the sprinklers activated, dousing that level and causing damage and disruption to the critical theatre space below. The theatre was out of action for some time, and this put a lot of pressure on the service capacity, with reduced treatments and revenue during the clean-up and repair period. Subsequently, a business case was developed to replace all fluorescent light fittings across North Shore and Waitemata hospitals.
Inovo was engaged through a competitive tender process to plan, manage and deliver this project.
The complexity of working within a live hospital space has its own set of challenges. Every department has specific needs, requirements, and varying capacity and operational times. Inovo worked closely with the hospitals’ capital works and facilities teams, clinical staff and contractors to understand and accommodate these needs, develop solutions, and continuously adapt to minimise service disruption.
After a successful first year focussed on critical lighting at North Shore Hospital, the contracts for both Inovo and the Electrical contractor were extended to provide similar upgrades at Waitakere Hospital.
Key Project Outcomes:
• The new LED light fittings are expected to last over 50,000 hours - around 2.5 times longer than the old fluorescent tube lights they are replacing.
• Energy efficiency studies have shown that the new lights use 56% less electricity, a significant cost saving.
• In the two-year contract period, approximately 12,000 lights were installed across the two campuses.
• Process improvements through the delivery phase enabled an increase in installation rate from an initial 55 lights per week to over 200 lights per week.
• Positive feedback was received from staff and patients around the improved lighting conditions throughout the hospital.