Cashmere Estate
Land Development
Resource Consenting
Civil Engineering
Project Strategy

Cashmere Estate is a premier subdivision on one of the last remaining hill areas set aside for development in Christchurch.
In early 2019 Inovo became the lead consultant providing a full range of land development services including management planning, surveying, civil engineering and project management for this unique and exciting project.
The project covers over 140 hectares of land and includes the ongoing development of approximately 380 residential sections, multiple reserves, and stormwater treatment facilities over multiple stages.
Significant earthworks and retaining is being undertaken to reshape the hillside to improve buildability and to remodel the valley floor to enhance the flood retention capabilities of the Heathcote River.
Our resource management team are completing numerous land use and subdivision consent applications with the Christchurch City Council, and Environment Canterbury consents to cover construction phase stormwater discharge and earthworks in a high erosion area.
Extensive stormwater and flood modelling, detailed design for earthworks, roading, and three waters has been carried out by our civil engineering team along with construction monitoring and preparation of completion documentation.
Project Highlights include:
• Redesigning existing consented design to optimise building platforms, add value, and increase salability of lots.
• Significant earthworks with a highly sensitive receiving environment, requiring extensive erosion and sediment control measures.
• The realignment and enhancement of Worsley’s Drain
• 1d and 2d flood analysis and comprehensive stormwater reticulation design in a challenging hill side environment.
• Production of 3d modelling and visualisation for marketing